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  • A LITTLE SLICE OF BEARADISE: (A BBW Werebear Shifter Romance) Page 3

A LITTLE SLICE OF BEARADISE: (A BBW Werebear Shifter Romance) Read online

Page 3

  “Yes, master! Hit me harder,” She screamed. He pulled his arm back and slapped his paw once again against her face. Her face was turning red and covered in welts, but she was enjoying it.

  The bear stood up on his back legs and placed his furry arms around her neck. He choked her until she was at the breaking point. Squeezing her until she was gasping for air.

  “Human, do you want more?” The bear said. With his hands wrapped around her neck, all she could do was shake her head yes.

  The creature placed his other paw on her waist. He lightly traced a trail with his sharp nails slowly up to her breasts. As it worked it’s way up her body, she started to moan load and uncontrollably. Whatever the creature was doing, it seemed to be pushing all the right buttons.

  To my surprise, the bear let out a loud growl and began to transform. The hair on his body began to dissipate. All four of his limbs transformed into those of a human. Before I knew it, he had shifted into human form. His hands approached her large supple breasts. They wrapped themselves around her tits. The shifter placed his lips on her nipples and clamped down hard, causing the woman to scream out in pain.

  “Oh! Master! It hurts so bad, but I can’t help but want more.” She said. I could tell she was incredibly turned on. I could see her pussy start to gush and drip down her legs. The natural scent of her juices must have caught their attention. Two more bears slowly crawled towards her.

  The two other bears shifted into human form as well. Each shifter placed their lips on her long dark legs. They caressed her calf , then rubbed around to her knees. Each of them began to kiss a trail up her legs and didn’t leave one inch untouched.

  They soon reached her inner thighs. At this point, the woman was squirming uncontrollably. She wasn’t able to move. Her wrists and ankles were still bound by the creatures that stood beside her.

  I started finding myself getting strangely turned on. Maybe I was under a trance? Maybe they had me under a spell? Whatever it was, my body was starting to sweat and I was starting to get short of breath. I reached my hand down and placed my finger in my pussy. It was so moist and so juicy. For some reason, I began wishing their lips were on me. Even more so, when I seen what he did to her next

  The leader’s lips made their way from her breasts down to her sweet spot. He had an abnormally long tongue. His tongue worked its way up her inner thighs until it reached her slit. He began massaging the soft flaps of her dark pussy. His tongue moved all around the outside of it, exploring it. It slid its slimy self all around her sweet wet slit, and started to circle her sweet moist hole. His tongue was like a snake that was circling its prey. It seemed like it was teasing her clit and waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

  I started to touch myself as well. I pretended my finger was his tongue and mimicked its movement on my clit. I licked my fingers and started to rub them around my pussy. I wanted him to enter her, so I could do the same. I wanted to see her squirm.

  To my surprise, these other two bears stood up and spread her legs wide open. Vulnerable and exposed, she stood there bound by these creatures. The beast then puffed out his chest and thrusted his hip towards her.

  “Fuck me,” she screamed.

  I stood in amazement as his long and thick cock sprung forth from his lower body. His cock was menacing and looked very intimidating. If I were to describe it, I would say it was a monster’s dick.

  He unleashed his massive dick on the poor Cherokee woman. He ravaged her sweet and innocent pussy. I had a feeling that after fucking that she would never be the same. He fucked her hard and vigorously with his monster-sized appendage. Her expression was one of pain mixed with pleasure. Her blue eyes had turned a shade of red. It was as if her entire body was possessed by his cock.

  I started to fuck myself with my fingers. My hole was so wet and juicy that I was able to slip my whole hand in. It wasn't long before I came right there in the bushes. I wanted to scream and moan out loud, but I had to hold back. I didn't want to get caught.

  The creature then pulled it back out of her. It seemed that he knew she couldn’t physically handle it anymore. He moved it up until it was up against her lips. She was breathing uncontrollably at this point, panting for each breath of air.

  “I want you to drink from my cock. You will suck down on me and take in all my seed.” He said as he forced his cock into her mouth. The woman engorged his cock fully into her mouth and began sucking vigorously. The creature moaned in pleasure as the woman mouth fucked his large throbbing dick.

  The creature let out a monstrous roar as his dick exploded into her mouth oozing out this bright white slime. The woman mouth was gushing this substance out. It was all over her, dripping all the way down her chest. It covered her massive tan tits.

  When the creature finished, he motioned over to the other bears. They all proceeded to take their turn, ravaging her helpless body. I don’t know if she was under a spell, but she kept begging for more. After seeing this, I had snapped out of whatever trance I was under.

  I couldn't explain or even began to comprehend what I had just seen. All that I did know for sure was that I needed to run as far away as I could.

  I ran into the forest as fast as I could. I kept saying to myself that I wasn't going to get killed tonight. I could barely see as I ran through the dark forest. The only light was that of the moon shining through the trees.

  Before I knew it I tripped over what must have been a root. I tumbled head first into a pile of rocks then completely blacked out. The only memory I had was of someone picking me up and carrying me to safety.

  Chapter 7

  When I regained my consciousness, I woke up in a cold dark cave. In the corner of the cave, I could see a shadowy figure. I couldn’t tell who it was, but I could see the outline of his figure. He appeared to be strong and powerful. When he emerged from the shadows, my heart stopped as I was able to see who he was. He appeared to be one of the bears that I had seen by the lake. The same group of bears that were having there way with that poor woman.

  When I realized this, I let out a loud scream. I turned around and started to run out of the cave. Before I was able to move two steps, he charged toward me and blocked my exit. He wrapped his furry paws around my face, covering my lips.

  With his other arm, he grabbed me by the waist and turned me around towards him. He pulled me closer to his body and gazed into my eyes. I looked straight into the eyes of the beast. To my surprise, his eyes were beautiful. They were a dark emerald green. His eye also had a look of kindness to them.

  The bear began to speak in a deep and soothing voice. “You must stay quiet. If the other’s find you, they may try to harm you. I can keep you safe until morning. Then you can return to your home.”

  I nodded my head at the beast, signifying that I understood him.. He released the grip he had around my body and took his arm off my lips. As I stared into his eyes, he had a look of genuine compassion. I began to feel at ease with this creature.

  “Who are you? What are you?” I asked.

  “I can’t tell you my real name. Our language is far too advanced for humans to comprehend, but you can call me Kutu,” he said.

  He proceeded to tell me the story of how he arrived on the mountain. Kutu was not from this world. In fact, Kutu wasn't even from this universe. He was from an entirely different dimension. His kind had discovered the secret to inter-dimensional travel. They soon began to send teams out to explore. Kutu was part of a team of 10 that were assigned to Earth. Earth was one of the more intriguing planets to his kind. The biological makeup of their species was similar to that of two species from Earth. The human and bear DNA were the two that closely matched that of their kind. They believed that studying humans and bears could be beneficial to their kind.

  Kutu’s crew transported to earth two years before Sahandra and Kutu’s altercation. At first the creatures lurked in the shadows, only observing and studying our species from afar. As time went on, the creatures began to take an interest
in women. His kind were very sexual in nature. Sex was not only a form of reproduction for them, it was a basic need. It was a necessity to them like food and water is to us. Their life force was powered by sexual energy.

  Kutu’s crew was made entirely of males. After about a year and a half on Earth, the creatures started to become sick and weak. The lack to sexual activity was taking a toll on them. The creatures originally had no desire to interact with humans, but the weaker they became the more desperate they were.

  A decision was made within the group to engage in limited sexual activity with humans. One sexual encounter would be enough to sustain a creature for almost a year. The creatures decided that they would capture only one woman a year and use her only as a means of survival.

  Kutu was the only creature that was against this idea. He thought that they should just travel back home and recharge. They could then return at a later time to resume their studies. No one else agreed. Although the decision was final, Kutu still stood firm to his belief. He refused to take part in any activity of that kind.

  The creatures began to capture women from the mountains one by one. The original plan was to only take a few, but this quickly changed. There was something exotic and appealing about women to them, and they became addicted to the female form.

  Soon they were capturing women every night and having their way with them. A lot of times these creatures would have no regard to the safety or well being of these women. Women were like a drug to these creatures. Their sexual thirst had became unquenchable and their primal hunger was insatiable.

  As they began using these girls like pieces of meat, unfortunate accidents happened. The bodies of local women were being discovered in the woods. These creatures didn’t seem to care at all about the consequences of their actions. They had became so consumed by their lust for women that they had lost all focus on why they came to the mountain. Kutu protested these actions and refused to take part in them. Because of this he became an outcast and lived alone in his cave. He hardly ever interacted with any other creatures of his kind.

  I stared at this magnificent beast telling his story. I couldn't help but notice he seemed sick. He started to breath real heavy. Without warning, he collapsed to the ground. I ran over to him

  “Kutu, are you OK? What’s wrong?” I asked as I stood over him.

  “I haven’t replenished my sexual energy in over two years. It’s starting to effect me, but I will be fine,” he said as he rose to his feet. I could tell that he was still a bit disoriented.

  I started to feel sorry for this creature. Kutu appeared to be brave, yet kind-hearted as well. I felt at ease with him. There was something about him that made me feel comfortable and safe.

  I walked up to him and put my hands on his chest and pressed my lips against his. Kutu let out a delightful grunt and he wrapped his strong arms around my body. He started to kiss me uncontrollably. My body heated up quickly as my desire for him strangely increased. My once pure thoughts turned kinkier by the second. As I kissed him, I began to fantasize about having him rub those warm and sharp paws all over my body.

  “I owe you my life, and I want to save yours as well. Take me and do with me what you will. I submit to your every desire.”

  I could see in his eyes that this lit a deep fire inside of him. He was ready to ravage my young virgin body at any second.

  Suddenly, I heard strange voices. Two large bears barged in to Kutu’s lair.

  “What is this? You brought us a plaything?” one of them said.

  The name of this bear was Yurg. Kutu would later tell me he was the 2nd in command. Yurg started to stare at me with a sick and twisted look. His mouth began to water. His paws made their way towards my body.

  “This human is a virgin, and she looks delicious,” he said.

  “Stay away from her she is mine,” Kutu said forcing his body in front of me. He created a barrier between Yurg and I.

  “You will not touch her. I claim her for myself,” Kutu screamed out.

  Yurg began pushing Kutu, taunting and teasing him in front of the other creatures. Kutu whipped Yurg with a large swipe of his paw. Yurg went crashing to the ground. Yurg laid there for a minute as if he knew he was no match for Kutu. Embarrassed and ashamed, Yurg pulled himself up off the ground. He motioned to the others that it was time to go.

  “As you wish, Kutu. You should watch your back,” Yurg said as he and his companion crawled away.

  I was scared to death. I had thought the beast was going to take me away. There was no telling all the bad things he would have done to me. I ran to Kutu and wrapped my arms around his broad chest.

  “Thank you Kutu. You save my life again,” I said.

  He responded by wrapping his large furry arms around me and gripped me tightly. I felt safe and warm wrapped up snuggly in his tight grip. I felt this strange and primal attraction towards him. I didn't understand it, but I couldn't fight it.

  I looked up at Kutu and pressed my lips against his neck. His skin tasted so delicious. I started to kiss, bite, and suck all over his neck. He let out a loud groan that shook the cave.

  He quickly shifted into his human form. I stood there mesmerized as the large brown bear transformed into the most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on. He had the body of a Greek god, and the face of an angel. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. All the desires and lust for him that I previously had only intensified. I wanted him to take me into his arms and take me right there on the floor of the cave.

  His strong arm came up from behind me and wrapped around my hips. His other hand rubbed it’s way up the side of my face and then rummaged through my hair. At this point my breathing was accelerated and my heart beat was beating out of control.

  He grabbed my hair tight and yanked my head back and kissed me passionately. His tongue invaded my body, exploring and ravaging the inside of my mouth. His lips where entangled in mine and his eyes filled up with lust. His dominant mouth was making my muscles clinch and my body tense up. His hand was curling through my hair. He held my head tight, while he kissed me savagely.

  “Sahandra, you are so beautiful,” he said as he growled out load with his sexy deep voice. His eyes were staring at me with such intensity that they were pinning me down with his intense stare.

  “I’m not sure if we should do this. My kind can get very aggressive during sex. The last thing I want to do is hurt you,” he said.

  I could tell he was sincere. It was actions like this that caused me to want him even more.

  “I am yours to do what ever you wish. Please me, tease me, hurt me, just whatever you do..FUCK ME,” I moaned.

  My mind was telling me that my actions were wrong. It went against every law in nature, but at this point I didn't care. I had never wanted anything as much as I wanted him that night. I just didn't want him to fuck me, I wanted him to ravage me.

  I dropped to my knees and started to kiss him on his tight muscular abs. They excreted some kind of liquid. I wasn't sure if it was sweat or something stranger, but it tasted sweet on my lips. I started trailing down his body with my tongue. I was getting so close to where his cock was. All a sudden, his large cock started to emerge. I stared at it in amazement as it begin to grow from his body. I had never performed this act on anyone before, but I was so turned on by it.

  I took the tip of my tongue and ran it along the top of this cock. Tasting every bit of it’s sweaty goodness. I knew these creatures liked to be aggressive, so I figured I would give him what he desired. I grabbed his cock with both of my hands. I squeezed it as hard as I could. I started slapping the tip of his dick all over my face. I could tell he was enjoying it, because it was still growing.

  I continued to tease his cock with my tongue. Just when I thought he had enough, I gripped it as tight as I could and pulled it into my mouth. I completely engorged his throbbing, thick, and massive cock into my mouth. I began to suck as hard as I could. I was like a woman possessed.

  He screamed as I started to n
ibble on his cock. I must have hit the right button because his monster cock shot out even further. I didn't release my grip. With my mouth still hugging his cock, it shot out so far and fast that it slung me against the wall.

  “Are you OK?” he asked.

  I sat up and gazed in amazement at how big it grew. I didn't know how my tight unused pussy was going to handle it, but I was ready and willing to find out.

  “I've never been better,” I said. “I like it rough too.”

  He picked me up off the ground with one of his massive arms and flipped me around. He grabbed my dress and tore it off my body with ease. He then positioned my body with my ass pointed up towards the sky. My tits pressed up against the ground. My pebble size nipples were fully erect as they touched the cold stone floor of the cavern.

  He wrapped his hand around my neck and then grabbed my hair. He took his other hand and slapped my ass with all his might.