A LITTLE SLICE OF BEARADISE: (A BBW Werebear Shifter Romance)
Title Page
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
About the Author
The following short story is a work of fiction. Any similarities to real people, events, or places are entirely coincidental.
Copyright ©2015 Tara Wilde
All rights reserved.
A Little Slice of
Tara Wilde
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Chapter 1
“Lilly, it’s getting late?” screamed my friend Denise from the patio of our cabin. “Are you going to lay in the hammock all night?”
“I’ll be coming inside soon. It is so peaceful and relaxing tonight. I don’t feel like moving.” I said.
My friends Denise, Emily, and I were on vacation in the Rocky Mountains for 5 days. I was so excited about the fact we were able to get a cabin so close to the lake. I had a love for all types of water, whether it be ocean, lake, or a swimming pool. There was always something so peaceful and calming about water. It felt so at home lying in this hammock listening to the natural sounds around me. I swayed back and forth while listening to the sound of birds chirping, fish jumping out of the water, and frogs croaking in the distance.
It was such a peaceful and relaxing evening in the mountains. There was a slight breeze in the air. The pine trees were swaying back and forth, appearing to dance in a rhythm. They seemed to match the beat of a woodpecker striking a tree off away in the distance. You couldn't have asked for better night.
This vacation was desperately needed. To say my life had been stressful would have been a gross understatement. I had recently found out the company I worked for was purchased by another firm. The status of everyone’s job was in question. I had worked hard to get into my position in the firm. Now it was all up in the air now. All the hard work I put into the company would be for nothing.
Then to top things off, the relationship with my boyfriend Kyle was on the rocks.
Kyle and I had been dating for almost three years. Things were great in the beginning. We had such an insatiable sexual thirst for each other. Not to mention, we had amazing earth-shattering sex. Our bodies couldn’t get enough of each other and we would make love for hours. It didn’t matter the time or day or where we were. Unfortunately, this was not the case anymore.
In the last few months, the relationship between Kyle and I had been less than perfect. We seemed to fight over every little thing and seemed to always be at each others throats. Lately, the sight of him would make me nauseous. On top of that, our sex life had all but disappeared.
Our issues began around the time I received terrible diagnosis from my doctor. She told me the chances of me having kids was slim to none. It was devastating news to me because I have always wanted to have a child of my own. Kyle and I would often discuss how we both wanted to have two kids, a house, and a picket fence. Once we received this news, the spark disappeared in our relationship a little more each day.
Kyle used to touch me in ways no one ever had. With him, I had felt pleasure in places I never knew existed. He seemed to know the right places on my body to touch, caress, and kiss. This all seemed like a far too distant memory. We had sex a few times in the recent months, but it has not been the same. It seemed robotic, mechanical, and stale. The passion has all but vanished.
Oh, how I longed to have the passion back, to feel the fire burn beneath my skin. I would do almost anything to have it return. It seemed like such a distant memory by now. I wasn’t sure if I could ever get it back. Maybe it was too late for us.
There was one thing that I was sure of was how nice it felt to be relaxing by the lake. The great thing about lying in this hammock was all my stress and cares seemed to drown away in the lake beside me. The hammock seemed to mold perfectly to my curvaceous body. I was so relaxed I could feel myself drifting off to sleep.
As I stared up at the beautiful glowing moon, I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier. I knew I needed to get up out of the hammock and go to bed, but I was too relaxed. Before I knew it, I must have dozed off.
Chapter 2
During the night, I awoke to a sensation I could only describe as hypnotic. I felt something brush slightly against my back. It felt like someone’s arm, yet warm and furry. It continued to rub against my back through the hammock. I was somewhat scared, but I was in this relaxed trance and couldn’t move a muscle.
I could feel its warm breath against my flesh. What ever it was, I felt it was examining me. It was almost like it was sniffing me out as if I were its prey. Before I knew it, I felt something else brush up against the lower part of my leg. It felt like a cold nose working it’s way up my feet and legs. Because I was frozen and in a state of shock, I couldn’t turn over to see what it was.
This has to be a dream. Maybe it’s sleep paralysis? Were some of the thoughts rushing through my head. It didn’t matter because it was feeling so good.
As it worked its way up my legs, I couldn’t help but try to imagine what this was. My first thought was that it was a wild dog or possible a wolf.
I should have freaked out, and I should have been frightened. I’m not sure if it was the pure pleasure I was feeling, or if I was under some sort of spell. I felt increasingly horny. Every time it’s warm breath hit my flesh, it sent a tingling sensation throughout my entire body.
A warm and furry arm made it’s way to the edge of my bathing suit top. With a quick swipe of its paw, it ripped my bathing suit off allowing my large breasts to fall out loose and exposed. My nipples were so sensitive that the cool mountain breeze turned my nipples rock hard in an instant.
The mysterious creature must have noticed them as well. I felt its tongue start to licking circles around my nipples. It teased me to the point my nipples were as hard as rocks. The sensation sent a tingle all over my body. I could feel myself dripping wet with anticipation of what was to come.
“Oh my god. Yes, Yes!” I started to moan.
The pleasure intensified as the creature continued to squeeze, suck, pull, and flick my nipples. As soon as I thought the feeling couldn't be matched, that was until he began to work his way down my chest.
I felt his tongue trace a path from my tits down to my belly. The further down he traveled, the hotter I became. For a brief second, I started to regain my senses. A feeling of shame and embarrassment hit me like a ton of bricks. It seemed wrong to be turned on by someone or something I didn’t know. Not to mention the fact I had a boyfriend.
Those feelings quickly vanished the second I felt him brush up against my inner thigh. He traced his lips around my curvy hips until he reached where my bathing suit was tied on at. I felt his teeth scratch against my skin as he bit down on the string. With a quick snap of his neck, he untied the sides of my bathing suit bottom. This creature wasted no time in slipping it off and tossing it on the ground below us.
I was lying there naked, exposed, and vulnerable. I di
dn’t panic, because for some strange reason I wasn’t scared at all. I was feeling such extreme pleasure. I didn’t want it to stop. I not only wanted more, but I had this undeniable thirst for him I couldn’t quench.
Without warning the creature stood up in front of my, exposing his mysterious identity. To my shock and surprise, the creature was a large brown bear. He let out a loud growl and his body began to convulse and an amazing transformation began.
The bear stood up on his back legs and let out a growl that shook throughout the mountain. The hair on his body shed as his frame started to shrink. His paws transformed into hands and feet as his legs and arms transformed. I watched in amazement as his large barreled chest transformed into a rock hard chiseled chest of a man. Lastly, his head changed instantly into the face of the most handsome man I had ever laid eyes on.
The man had now began to please each part of my body. He began to kiss me and was inching closer to my sweet spot. At this point, my pussy was so dripping wet. I could feel the juices flow down my legs. I am sure the scent of this caused whatever was doing this to grow hungrier. I didn’t know what this thing wanted, but at this point it didn’t matter to me. I didn’t want it to stop.
His lips and tongue began to rub and slither around my inner thigh. His mouth was watering and his saliva was running down my legs, mixing with the juices already flowing out of me. My pussy was dripping nonstop.
The man’s tongue started to explore the outside of my vagina. It was examining every inch and gently feeling every fold. It teased me as if it were going to go inside, but it never did.
His warm and wet tongue started to rub itself against my clit. At this point, my clit was already throbbing. The rough surface of his tongue engulfed my clit and started to stroke it hard. It began to rub it so vigorously it sent my body into convulsions. I gripped the side of the hammock as tight as I could. I felt a rush come over me I couldn't explain.
“Oh Shit!” I screamed as I had the most intense orgasm of my life. I could feel the months of sexual frustration flow out of me uncontrollably, like a raging river.
The man stood up and walked up to my face. His cock was staring me right in the eyes and he placed in against my lips. He rubbed his cock against my bottom lip. I don’t know what possessed me to do what I did next. Maybe it was the hangover effect of the greatest orgasm I had every experienced, but I opened up my lips and let it inside my mouth.
Once the hard sweaty cock was in my mouth, I began to suck on it. I engorged as much of it as I could in my mouth. It began to explore every inch of my mouth and throat. The harder I sucked it, the more I could feel it throb.
I started to massage it with my tongue and it began throbbing out of control. It began to grow larger and larger. It was almost too large for my mouth.
I heard a moan so loud it appeared to shake the entire forest. The cock exploded inside of my mouth. It began spewing out this warm and gooey substance. It had a salty yet sweet taste. It was like a warm sticky nectar was running down the back of my throat.
All of a sudden, I felt what seemed like lips brush up against my earlobe. I heard a deep and mysterious voice whisper to me.
“If you want more, be here at the same time tomorrow night.”
“I can show you and make you feel things not of this earth.”
That was all I remembered. At that point, I drifted off into a deep sleep.
I awoke to the sound of my friend Denise calling for me the next morning.
“Lilly. Wake up,” she said “You must have slept out there all night.”
I wasn’t sure if it was all a dream or if it were real. How could it be real? I thought to myself. There are no such thing as bears that shift into men. I figured the dream was my subconscious playing tricks on me. It had been so long since I had sex. I am sure this was my mind’s way of expressing its sexual frustration.
I looked down at myself, and I was lying there naked. My bathing suit was laying on the ground. I picked them up and got dressed.
I then noticed my hands. My fingers had red lines all over them. This must have been the marks from me gripping the hammock webbing so tight.
How could this be? None of this made any sense. I never believed in monsters and fairy tales.
Before I could think anymore about it, my friends Denise and Emily walked up to me.
“Did you sleep out here all night?” Emily said.
“I think I must have fallen asleep. It was so relaxing.” I said
“Come on!” said Denise. “We only have a few more days in the mountains. Let’s go explore.”
I quickly got up from the hammock and starting walking towards the cabin with my friends. I took one more glance back at the hammock. I couldn’t help but wonder about what really happened that night. What was actually out there?
Chapter 3
“Hurry up,” I said to Denise as she had seemed to have been showering for well over an hour. “I’m afraid you will us all the hot water”
While I sat there enjoying my cup of coffee, I noticed a pamphlet for a local mountain hiking tour. The hiking tour was to some old ancient Cherokee Indian ruins. What caught my eye was a certain photo. It showed a stone wall with what looked like old drawings. One drawing showed a large bear holding a naked woman. I was still looking for answers to what may have happened last night, and I thought this might be a start.
I suggested the tour to my friends, but they were not very interested at first. It took a lot of convincing and begging, but they reluctantly agreed. After all, they knew I was having a hard time recently, and that is what true friends do.
Later in the afternoon, we went to the office of the local tour group. From there, we took an old raggedy bus to the trail head in the forest. We were definitely away from civilization at this point.
As our tour began, we were introduced to our tour guide. He was a local Cherokee named Running Rabbit. We hiked about 2 miles into thick forest brush and finally arrived at our destination. It was a mysterious cave. They believed it to have been there for over 1000 years. Inside the cave, I paid attention to some of the drawings on the stone walls. I kept seeing numerous drawings of this same beast. My curiosity continued to grow.
Our tour guide seemed very knowledgeable. I inquired to him about the drawings on the walls. Pictures of bears shifting into men kept showing up in drawings throughout the tour.
“Who is this beast?” I asked. His friendly demeanor quickly changed to one of seriousness.
“The drawing is of what the locals call the Beraka,” He said. “It means the bear man beasts of lust.”
Running Rabbit went on to explain the local legend. The legend was about beasts from another world who ended up on the mountain. The beasts were very wise and very powerful. The legend stats the beasts gained their power from transferring sexual energy from others. The legend also stated the beasts had an insatiable thirst for woman. Their sexual hunger had no regard for the safety of these women.
Soon after their arrival, the bodies of local women were discovered in the woods and in the lakes and streams. Their clothes had been ripped to shreds, and their bodies were ravaged. As soon as the locals discovered the beasts were the culprits, they started to hunt these beasts down. They didn’t stop hunting them until all the beasts were annihilated.
“That is gross and disgusting,” Denise said.
“So, the mountain is full of packs of sex hungry bears?” laughed Emily. “Ridiculous”
Kyledon’t live in packs. You must be thinking of wolves,” the tour guide quickly snapped back.
At that point, I decided to keep quiet. The tour soon ended, and we were on our way back to the villa. As soon as we arrived, I received a call from my boyfriend Kyle. What was a sweet call at first, quickly turned into yet another argument.
“Kyle, You’re being ridiculous,” I said as I hung up the call and slammed my phone to the counter. I need some fresh air. I walked out the door of the cabin and back to the lake. I c
ould see the empty hammock in front of me. It was calling my name. If what happened last night was real, it was the first time in a while I felt truly happy and truly pleased.
It was another full moon night. I walked back up to the hammock and took a deep breath. I slipped my curvaceous body back into the hammock and stared up at the bright yellow moon.
I laid there for what seemed like hours and nothing happened. I began to grow impatient. Maybe it was a dream after all? He said he would be back, but he has yet to show up.
As soon as I had all but given up, I felt the wind start to pick up. I felt the water rustle as if something was now out there. I turned to look at the water and in front of me stood this beautiful and magnificent beast.
He lifted me out of the hammock and carried me into the woods. It was so dark that night, so all I could see was the bright glow of the moon. Although I had no idea where he was taking me, I felt safe in his arms. There was something soothing yet comfortable in the way I felt wrapped in his arms.