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A LITTLE SLICE OF BEARADISE: (A BBW Werebear Shifter Romance) Page 2

  He had taken me to some sort of dark and ominous cavern which turned out to be creature’s den. As he carried me through the cave, I noticed strange, yet beautiful drawings on the side of the walls. These drawings were eerily similar to the ones I saw earlier in the day. These drawings and the text were mysterious and seemed not of this world.

  He brought me into a large dark room. In the center of the room was a large pit with a massive fire burning inside of it. I couldn't help but compare it to the way he made me feel the night before. The creature lit a fire inside of me still that was still burning hot.

  Also in the room, there was an alter and what appeared to be a stone bed. The beast gently laid me down on top of it.

  “What is your name?” I asked. He looked at me with his deep red eyes. His stare was piercing deep down into my soul.

  “My name doesn’t really translate well into something you would understand, but you can call me Kutu,” he said.

  He had such a deep, powerful and calming voice. Every time the creature spoke, the vibrations of his deep and sexy tone sent chills up and down my spine.

  “I can sense what’s troubling you,” Kutu said. He looked at me with a stern and concerned look. He took one of his paws and massaged it gently on my torso.

  “I can tell you are barren and cannot have a child,” he said. “I can also tell this is very tough for you.”

  I stood there in shock and total befuddlement. How could this creature know something like this about me? How could he know something so personal and yet so trying on my heart?

  “Yes, it’s true.” I said. I was trying to hold back the tears.

  “How in the world can you tell?” I asked. “There is no way you should be able to know that.”

  “It’s because I am not from your world,” he said.

  “My kind has an amazing ability to detect as well has heal ailments of every kind. I can heal you, but you must have sex with me.”

  I told him the legend about the beasts that the tour guide had told me earlier in the day. I reminded him of what the locals on the mountain said. They said the beasts would sleep with women without any disregard to their safety. I didn’t think my life was worth the risk.

  Kutu proceed to tell me his story. He told me how he was different than any others of his kind. Most of his brethren who survived the attack from the people of the mountain traveled back to their home world.

  He was the only one left. Kutu refused to go back. He was considered an outcast because he would not force women to have sex with him against their will.

  The reason Kutu had a conscious was because he had fallen in love with a human. Kutu had fallen deeply and madly in love with a woman named Sahandra. He went on to explain how they met and how they would spend countless nights together. They would make love from sunrise to sunset.

  When the others found out about his attachment to Sahandra, they decided they must put a stop to it right away. Love was not a natural emotion to these creatures, so they did not understand the fascination Kutu had with the human. A decision was made without Kutu’s involvement. It was decided the creatures would capture Sahandra so the tribe leader could have his way with her.

  Once the leader of the creatures finished with Sahandra, he left her body lying on the ground. This was done because the leader wanted to teach Kutu a lesson. All this ended up doing was drive a rift between Kutu and the rest of his kind.

  Kutu was then exiled from the group and was told he was destined to be alone from all the others. When the humans began to attack, the survivors fled, leaving Kutu behind.

  For years, Kutu stayed back hidden in the shadows. The only reason he emerged was because his powers were growing week. He needed to seek out sexual energy to survive.

  He told me that the reason he approached me that night was, because I reminded him of Sahandra. We both had long dark hair and green eyes. Neither one of us were skinny, but we had curves in all the places that mattered. The way I looked lying under the full moon was too much for Kutu to resist.

  Hearing this magnificent creature’s story made me feel at ease with Kutu. He would then go on to tell me he was very sick. The problem was he needed to feed on sexual energy to stay alive. It had been a while since he had been with a woman. The last woman he was with was Sahandra. If he didn’t have sex soon, he would eventually die.

  I looked into his eyes and could sense the compassion and kindness this bear possessed. What I had experienced the night before felt so good it seemed like it was worth the risk. I tried to rationalize it in my head. Not only could I help this creature stay alive, but I could finally get what I have been wanting for ages. I really wanted a baby, and this could be my only chance.

  I started to rub his hair chest with my hands. I gripped it and squeezed it tight with my nails.

  “I want you to fuck me. I want you now” I said. All inhibitions I had were now out the door.

  The beast laid me down against the cold stone structure. “The pleasure you will feel will be so intense, you might not allow me to finish,” he said.

  “Do with me as you will,” I said. “I am all yours to control and command.”

  “I am going to shift into my human form for your protection,” he said.

  I was perfectly fine with that. Even in his human form he was hotter than any other guy I had ever been with.

  I felt his hands press me against the stone. I was going nowhere. I couldn’t move or escape even if I wanted to.

  He put one of his fingers and pressed it against my lips. I took it all into my mouth. I started to suck it aggressively. It tasted so good.

  I felt his other hand work its way up my chest. It quickly ripped off my shirt and slipped off my bra. My large tits flopped out. I could see the beast start to lick his lips in anticipation. The way his fingers felt against my skin was especially tantalizing as he fondled my nipples. They were tugging them and twisting them. It gave me the sensation of someone sucking and biting on my nipples at the same time.

  When I started to cum from the way he was touching my tits, I started to feel his finger slowly work its way around to my large plump ass. It started to press right up against my back door. Sensing the tightness and firmness of my asshole, the beast began to tease me like he is going slip it inside. I could tell he wanted to fuck my asshole. What was worse was I wanted him to do it.

  He slowly slipped his finger into my warm tight ass. He kept working it deeper and deeper until I lost track of how deep he really was. The further he put it in, the more intense pain I felt. The pain translated to even more intense pleasure. I couldn’t get enough… or so I thought.

  I felt two more start to work their way up my legs until they hit my inner thighs. “I hope you are ready,” it said. I suddenly felt the force of his cock spread apart the lips of my warm wet pussy. It stretched them far apart in anticipation of what was about to come out next.

  I watched as a massive cock started to grow and protrude from his body. This one was different from the rest. I gulped when I saw the massive size of it. I was not sure if it was even going to fit inside my tight juicy slit.

  His cock began to rub against my clit. There was something about his slimy cock I couldn’t explain. It felt so damn good when he was violently stroking my clit up and down. My wetness was now flowing uncontrollably. I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Fuck me!” I screamed.

  With one hard swoop, his cock pierced its way inside of me.

  I had never been fucked like this ever. I was feeling pleasure throughout every inch of my body. He slammed his giant cock into my warm tight pussy while at the same time fingering my asshole.

  “It’s time,” he screamed as he lifted up my body into the air. He flipped me around and bent me over, placing me on all fours. This was the point in which he said he had to focus all his energy into one final shot.

  He jammed his massive cock into me again. He wrapped one of his strong hands around my neck and gripped it tight. I could bare
ly breathe, but I didn’t care. His other hand reached up and grabbed my hair. He pulled my hair tight and started to pull my face toward him.

  He fucked me from behind. He fucked me so violently, yet compassionately. I had never been fucked so fast or so hard like this by anyone in my entire life. He went deeper and deeper, faster and faster. I could feel his cock start to throb and to fill up. I could feel he was ready to explode at any time. I was ready for it.

  He let out a massive cry as his cock exploded inside my pussy. I felt my entire body fill with his seed. A sudden rush fell over my body and I felt a sensation like I had never felt.

  “Oh Shit! Fuck!!” I screamed out from the top of my lungs. I started to cum like never before. My body twitched and shook. I collapsed into a state of sexual euphoria. It was like I was in some sort of orgasmic coma. I soon passed out and was unconscious.


  Chapter 4

  The last thing I remembered was waking up in the hammock again like the night before. My body felt soothed and relaxed. I had that feeling you get after a really good workout. I was sore but felt rejuvenated. I laid there, listening to the soothing sounds of the forest.

  Throughout the rest of the trip and on the way home, I felt different. I couldn’t explain it or even put a finger on it, but I knew there was something different about me.

  We arrived in Charlotte around noon the next day. I was so ready to be home. As soon as I opened my door, Kyle was standing there with a bottle of my favorite Cabernet in one hand and two dozen pink tulips in his other hand. He kissed me more passionately right then than he had in years.

  We made love for what seemed like hours. It wasn’t as incredible as what I had experienced in the woods that night, but it was perfect regardless.

  While Kyle went to shower off, I noticed a voice mail on my phone. It was my boss calling to inform me the buyout of our company was rejected. The owners decided to not sell. This meant my job was safe for the time being.

  Life didn't seem like it could get much better. Little did I know I was in for a shock.

  Another month went by and I went in for my annual checkup. The doctor said it was a miracle. She couldn’t believe her eyes. I was not only fertile once again, but I was pregnant.

  She said not to be alarmed but something looked very strange. The ultrasound of the baby looked like it was covered in fur and looked more like a cub instead of a fetus.

  I stood there in utter shock. Then the doctor said. “Don’t worry. It’s probably a mistake on the ultrasound.”

  “It’s not like you are having an baby bear,” he said laughing, as he walked out of the room. “It’s probably the other Dr’s playing a joke.”

  Chapter 5

  Things would take a stranger turn for the worse the next night. I woke up again in the middle of the night. I was sweating profusely and my heart beat was racing at an alarming rate. I sat there in shock, as I tried to catch my breath. Since my trip to the mountains, I have been having the most vivid and wildly imaginative dreams. Over the last few nights the dreams had become more and more intense.

  It wasn't just the dreams that were different, I felt different inside. At times, I would just blame it on my pregnancy. I thought it must have been all the extra hormones surging through my body. I just didn't feel right.

  To make things worse, the ultrasound of my baby looked strange. The doctor insisted it was just a bad reading on the ultrasound. Regardless, it still bothered me. Any normal person would have just laughed all this off. I was just being silly and ridiculous, right?

  I had an encounter a few weeks prior that was anything but normal. In fact, it was definitely paranormal in nature. Looking back, it still felt like a dream. The things that bear did to me. The way he made me feel. It all left an impression on me that was permanent, like a scar. When his warm furry paws touched my body, I felt a surge of intense pleasure that I could only describe as electric. That surge of electricity intensified when he slipped his massive cock inside of me. He gave me the most intense orgasm every. It was an out of this world experience. My pussy would tremble and moisten up when he entered my mind.

  These dreams were beginning to worry me, along with all the sudden changes inside of me. I attempted to fix them myself by trying to ignore those thoughts and feelings. I thought that if I just ignored the issue , it might just clear up on its own. I started to believe that it was all inside my head.

  As hard as I tried, I just couldn't fight it. At this point I just had to know what was going on and find out why it was happening to me.

  I would soon get all the answers that I was seeking. It happened on the first full moon night since my trip ended.

  Chapter 6

  She came to me one night in a dream. In my dream, a mysterious woman was walking towards me. She was gorgeous with dark hair and stunning mesmerizing eyes. The mysterious woman was walking on the edge of the lake and heading in my direction.

  I was having weird dreams for more than a week, but this one was different. The dream seemed so real that I could feel the grass between my toes and the gentle mountain breeze flowing through my hair.

  The full moon glowed brightly on the water, also giving this woman a mysterious glow. She walked up to me and smiled. To calm my nerves, she took her left hand and brushed it gently against the side of my face. Her hand moved until she had engulfed it in my long blond hair.

  “Don’t be alarmed. You don’t have to fear me. My name is Sahandra, and we are both bonded by our passion for Kutu,” she said.

  “Sahandra? That’s right. Kutu told me the story of you two. What are you doing in my dreams?” I asked.

  “Lilly, there is something you must know. When his kind mate with a woman, she is eternally linked to him. That woman shares a connection with every woman he had ever been with. Lucky for us, Kutu was unlike the other shifters in his clan. We were the only two he ever shared his chamber with.”

  She continued to explained to me that the other beasts had a strong and perverse sexual appetite. They would try to ravage as many women as they could put their hairy paws on. Mating with multiple women had caused a lot of psychological issues. The issues became permanent in these women.

  Since the women a bear mated with would link consciousness, it began to drive women insane. These women couldn't handle having tens, sometimes hundreds of other women in their head at the same time. Even if the bear spared their life, most of these women would later die. It was not uncommon for these woman to be drove to the point of suicide.

  I was so confused. I had so many question for Sahandra. All of this was so strange and so sudden. It was a lot to take in at once.

  “I know you have a lot of questions for me, but just relax. Have a seat in this hammock and lay your pretty head down. I think we should start from the beginning. I want to tell you the origin of Kutu. I also want to tell you the story of how we fell in love, and how it ended so quick.

  The time when the bear shifters first appeared, a lot of strange things began happening on the mountain. Especially, since the night the strange lights appeared. Most of the strange events surrounded women. I had friends that had disappeared and I had others that had gone completely mad. There was definitely something unruly afoot on the mountain.

  I was cautious and tried to avoid being alone at night. I would usually stay in my hut, locked away in my bedroom. This was what I did most every night, except for this one night in particular. That night that would go on to change my life forever.

  That night I had went to my uncle’s house for a family celebration. I had ate and drank way too much, so I took a nap. Before I knew it, the evening was over, and the sun had already set.

  It was a five mile walk through the forest to my home. I walked as quickly as I could, but decided to take a short cut by the lake. It was normally a secluded part of the forest. On this particular night, it was anything but secluded.

  I stumbled into what usually was a quiet and peaceful lake. Usually this lake was a da
rk and desolate part of the forest. On most nights it was only lit up by the reflection of the moon. This night the lake was lit up bright by raging fire. The sounds of frogs and owls were replaced by terrifying sounds of a woman screaming.

  I stayed quiet and hidden behind the bushes. I could not believe what I was seeing right before my eyes. There were half a dozen creatures surrounding a curvy and voluptuous woman. She had dark chocolate skin, long legs and long dark hair that flowed freely through the breeze. The beautiful and sexy woman was out in the open naked and exposed.

  She was surrounded by a group of brown bears. The woman was standing there with her legs and arms spread wide open. She was tied to two trees with her wrists and ankles bound by rope. One of the bears went up to the woman and slapped her across the face with his paw.